Course Summary and Scheduled Seminars
In this course, System Administrators will learn the fundamentals of PBS Professional and how to optimize its features.
A basic knowledge of Linux/UNIX operation system is required.
Cost of the Course:
€2500 per attendee
Topics Covered:
Overview Installation of PBS Professional- Pre-Installation planning - PBS Server, PBS MOM – MOM nodes, MAMU Nodes, Compute Nodes / Parallel Nodes
- Basic installation
- PBS licenses
- Post-Installation
- PBS directory structure
PBS Server Site Configurations- Anatomy of PBS Professional
- Directory of PBS installation
- Directory of PBS Server configuration
- Working with PBS daemons
- Viewing PBS Server Configurations
- Working with PBS Server attributes
- Working with PBS Queue attributes
- Working with PBS Vnode attributes
- PBS Server logging information
PBS MOM Site Configurations- Concept of PBS MOM
- Directory of PBS MOM configuration
- Configuring PBS MOM attributes
- PBS MOM logging information
Job Management- Different types of job
- Submitting jobs
- Querying jobs
- Assigning job attributes (quickly)
- Requesting job resources (quickly)
- Altering job requested resources
- Job Dependencies
- Reservations
Troubleshooting- Why my job is not running ?
- Differentiating a PBS Pro issue with a System Issue
- What information needs to be collected for debugging ?
- What information needs to be collected when PBS daemon crash ?
- Iterating through the support document.
Language Delivery Method Event status Seats available Sign-up period Session times Rooms Altair Instructor Session status Actions English Virtual Instructor-led - Upcoming
- Booking open
10 , - , Timezone: America/Detroit , - , Timezone: Europe/Paris - Upcoming
English Virtual Instructor-led - Upcoming
- Booking open
12 , - , Timezone: America/Detroit , - , Timezone: America/Detroit - Upcoming