Sign-up for SimLab Electromagnetic - Flux Solver Introduction

Altair® SimLab® is a process-oriented multidisciplinary simulation environment to accurately analyze the performance of complex assemblies. Multiple physics including structural, thermal and fluid dynamics can be easily setup using highly automated modeling tasks.

What will you learn?
  • In this class we will introduce the ElectroMagnetic (EM) solver Altair® Flux®. We will learn how to use the sketcher to create parametric models, set up a static and transient 2D model, and analyze the results. Three simple examples will be shown to introduce the basic rules of electromagnetic FEM simulation, learn how to set up linear and rotational motion, and perform a DOE within Altair® SimLab®.
Prerequisites: none

Course Summary and Agenda:

Session 1: Getting Started

  • Introduction to SimLab ElectroMagnetics (EM)
  • Getting Started
  • Basic Example: Single Turn Coil
  • Design of Experiments (DOE)
  • Introduction to Magnetic Materials
  • Additional Example: Inductance Computation

Session 2: Linear Motion

  • Introduction to Linear Motion
  • Example: Actuator

Session 3: Rotational Motion

  • Introduction to Rotational Motion
  • Example: Magnetic Compass
  • Additional Example: IPM Motor