Sign-up for S-FRAME Introduction

Course Outline:

The S-FRAME Introduction training course is aimed at new users of S-FRAME, or experienced users looking to sharpen their skills.  This introductory class explains how to become productive using the S-FRAME Analysis modeling environment.  Over the course of 2 lectures, attendees will be guided through how to navigate the interface of S-FRAME, build simple models, and perform Linear Static Analysis.  This course will serve as good launching pad for further S-FRAME training on more advanced topics, and is the fastest way to get to a point where they are comfortable working with the software.


  • Basic understanding of Structural Analysis, and Structural Engineering
  • Altair S-FRAME software downloaded and installed.
  • S-FRAME license configured to run analysis and verification tools.



Session 1: Introduction and Model Building

  •  Introduce S-FRAME and its major capabilities
  • Guide users through the interface and how to access tools
  • Build models in a 2D environment
  • Define, and edit Grids and Coordinate Systems
  • Create 3D frames using the Regular Framework Generator
  • Model organization using Group Folders
  • Applying member properties (sections, materials, releases, etc.)
  • Specifying boundary conditions on your model


Session 2: Loading, Analysis and Post-Processing

  • Define load cases
  • Apply static joint, member, and area loads to your model
  • Generate load combinations
  • Perform linear static analysis
  • Review deflections, forces, etc. graphically and numerically
  • Introduce Steel and Concrete Design
  • Result viewing, and collaboration in S-VIEW
  • How to get help with S-FRAME, and additional training


Altair Instructor
Session over
, - , Timezone: America/Detroit
Altair Instructor