Course Summary:
For advanced RADIOSS users, we offer a Fluid Structure Interaction training, which deals with modeling (ALE, SPH) and computation of fluids and their structural interaction. The following topics are covered: Drop tests of fully and partially filled containers, tank sloshing, ditching, bird strike, shock absorbers (viscosity) and explosions.
Basic RADIOSS knowledge
Goals and Objectives:
- Introduction to Eulerian and Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian (ALE) formulations
- ALE Grid formulations
- Element compatibility and mesh requirements
- Compatibility with material laws
- Fluid modelling – Equation Of State (EOS)
- Boundary conditions
- Multi-Material formulations
- Contact interfaces
- Introduction to SPH
- Solver basic inputs
- Numerical parameters
- Time step
- Material laws and failure models
- Boundary conditions
- Contacts and interfaces
- Post-processing
- Solid to SPH approach (Sol2SPH)
- Detonation Modeling
- Explosives
- Ideal Detonation
- Shock Ignition
- Post Treatment
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Course Summary and Scheduled Seminars
Radioss Fluid Structure Interaction Course Certificate
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