The Platform Administration Master is focused on classical administration knowledge such as installation and configuration of the RapidMiner AI Hub, Real Time Scoring and RapidMiner Radoop. Other topics which are addressed are, security, scalability, job scheduling, user management, license management, extensions and connections.
RapidMiner Studio
RapidMiner AI Hub
- Introduction
- AI Hub Deployment and Upgrade (v10.2 and later)
- AI Hub Administration (v10.2 and later)
- AI Hub Deployment (v9.7 and later)
- AI Hub Administration (v9.7 and later)
- RapidMiner Server Deployment (v9.6 and earlier)
- RapidMiner Server Administration (v9.6 and earlier)
RapidMiner Real-Time Scoring
- RapidMiner real-time scoring (v9.7 and later)
- Real-time Scoring Agent (v9.6 and earlier)
RapidMiner Radoop
- Platform Administration Master