SimLab Electronics

This course covers topics relevant to the electronics industry in multiple simulation domains. On this training course, participants will learn how to perform a variety of simulations on electronic devices, by mixing MCAD and ECAD models and accessing a wide range of solvers. The main topics that will be covered include thermal management, static and dynamic structural analysis, BGA solder fatigue, and Multiphysics (electrical-thermal-mechanical). Participants will be provided with sample exercises to complete the course, as well as additional study material.

  • Basic understanding of Electronics Systems Design (ESD).
  • Understanding of Finite Element Analysis (FEA).
  • Installation of the latest version of SimLab and appropriate license.
  • Having completed the SimLab Introduction training course.

The course is split across two days with each session lasting 3 hours. For the first day the focus will be on importing and working with ECAD and MCAD formats, as well as thermal analysis specific for electronics. The second day will focus on advanced meshing techniques as well as thermo-mechanical analysis and solder fatigue.

Day 1 – Electronics Thermal Management
  • Importing and working with a PCB file in SimLab.
  • Organization, simplification, and modification of the PCB assembly.
  • Basic steady state thermal simulation setup of a simplified PCB model.
  • Advanced steady state thermal simulation setup of a PCB model (electrical effects and CFD natural convection).
  • ECAD+MCAD modelling (PCB + enclosure).
  • Transient thermal simulation with forced convection and time-dependent boundary conditions.

Day 2 – Multiphysics and Solder Fatigue Analysis
  • Hex meshing techniques for PCB assemblies.
  • FEM connectivity methods for electronics.
  • Vibration and shock analysis of a PCB.
  • Multiphysics Thermo-Mechanical analysis: PCB warping.
  • BGA solder fatigue analysis due to heat cycles.
  • BGA solder fatigue analysis due to vibration.

Upcoming events

Language Delivery Method Event status Seats available Sign-up period Session times Rooms Altair Instructor Session status Actions
English Virtual Instructor-led
  • Upcoming
  • Booking open
27 Before , Timezone: America/Detroit , - , Timezone: America/Detroit
  • Upcoming
English Virtual Instructor-led
  • Upcoming
  • Booking open
30 Before , Timezone: America/Detroit , - , Timezone: America/Detroit
  • Upcoming
English Virtual Instructor-led
  • Upcoming
  • Booking open
30 Before , Timezone: America/Detroit , - , Timezone: America/Detroit
  • Upcoming
English Virtual Instructor-led
  • Upcoming
  • Booking open
29 Before , Timezone: America/Detroit , - , Timezone: America/Detroit
  • Upcoming

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