Topic outline
- Scheduled Seminars
- Course Certification
Course Certification
After completing the course, you will receive your certificate of attendance here.
- Course Feedback
Course Feedback
This Introduction course, as a
prerequisite for all other modules of the Altair SimLab Training Series,
guides the user through the GUI and the basic functionalities of
Altair SimLab. The user will learn how to create FE Models out of CAD
Geometry in a quick and easy way, and how to perform the first simple
Altair SimLab is a process-oriented multidisciplinary simulation
environment to accurately analyze the performance of complex assemblies.
Multiple physics including structural, thermal, electromagnetics and
fluid dynamics can be easily setup using highly automated modeling
tasks, helping to drastically reduce the time spent creating finite
element models and interpreting results. Altair’s robust, accurate and
scalable solvers can run either locally, on remote servers or in the
Goals and Objectives:
After completing the course, you will receive your certificate of attendance here.
Course completions: 0
'In essence, we had been drawing her attention to the truth that her profile didn’t make sense because she stated something which contradic'
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'In essence, we had been drawing her attention to the truth that her profile didn’t make sense because she stated something which contradic'
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